P. 383

    resistance was offered, but the dhows were boarded and carried
    off, though in attempting to get them out they were wrecked.
    The Bahrein chief made a great clamour about this vioUition of
    his neutrality, and the Abu Thubi Sheikh, whose property the
    vessels really were, made a demand  for restitution upon the
    Bombay Goverinnent, which considered itself bound to pay the
    damages, and also, we believe, blood money for the men killed.
      The Bombay Government, having at length resolved to take
    decisive measures for extinguishing piracy in the Persian Gulf,
    assembled a powerful armament at Bonibay. The troops, which
    numbered three thousand and sixty-nine fighting men, of whom
    one thousand six hundred and  forty-five were P^uropeans and
    one thousand  four hundred and  twenty-four  Sepoys,  were
    placed under the command of Major-General Sir \\'illiam Grant
    Keir,* and consisted of one company of artillery, H.M.'s 47th
    and 65th Regiments,  1st  Battalion  2nd  Regiment  Native
    Infantry, the flank companies of 'the 1st Battalion 3rd Native
    Infantry and  tlie Marine  Battalion, and half a comjiany of
    pioneers.  The following were the ships of war, some of which
    were  in the Persian  Gulf:—H.M.S.  ' Liverpool,'  fifty guns.
    Captain  F.  A.  Collier,  C.B.,  who  arrived on  the  25th  of
    September from Mauritius, to assume naval command of the
    Expedition  ; and H.M. ships  ' Eden,' twenty-six guns, Captain
    Loch, and  ' Curlew,' eighteen guns, Captain Walj)ole—the latter
    brig, which arrived only a few daj^s before from the  Persian
    Gulf, having been attacked on her way down by  fifteen large
    Joasmi  boats, which she succeeded  in driving off after  five
    hours' fighting, during which she sank three and captured seven.
    The Company's ships were:— the  ' Teignmouth,' sixteen guns.
    Captain Hall,  (senior officer)  ;  ' Benares,' sixteen guns. Com-
                   ' Aurora,' fourteen guns, Commander Maillard
    mander Arthur ;                                       ;
    'Nautilus,'  fourteen  guns. Lieutenant Faithful;  'Ariel,'  ten
    guns,  Lieutenant Greenway  ; and 'Vestal'  ten guns. Lieu-
    tenant Watson.  Besitles these cruisers, wliicli actually partici-
    pated  in the ensuing operations, the Hon. ('ompany's ships
    '  Ternate,'  sixteen  guns,  ' Mercury,'  fourteen  gims,  and
    'Psyche,' ten guns,  were engaged  cruising about the Gulf,
    and, during the month of November, the former was sent to
    Bushire  to bring I\Ir. Jiruce to Ras-ul-Khymah  to confer with
    the General, who was invested  witli  supreuie  political  au-
      The  first division of troops, consisting of the artilK-ry and
      * The divisional staff consisted of Major E. G. Stannus, Assistant Adjutant-
    General; Captain D. Wilson, Assistant QtuirtormaMtor-Cu-niTal  ; and  t'aptain
    G. F. Sadleir, of the ITth Kegiineiit, Interpreter.  The foree orij^inulU intended
    for embarkation, ineUided tlie Hunk eonipanies of the 2nd IJatlaiion  -HIi Native
    Infantry, half a company of Pioneers, and one eoin]iany of .\rlillery  La-^ean',
    whieh were connternKUuied, owing to  tlie Governor-General having roeoived a
    communieatiou from the piratieul ehiefs oil'eriug to give up hostages.
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