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cbase of seven Joasmi sail, baghalahs and trankies, but all of
them escaped under cover of the darkness of the night. On the
following day she saw and chased four more sail, but the}' also
eluded her, owing to their superior sailing qualities. The
'Eden' had been directed to proceed to Bahrein in company
with some of the Company's cruisers, to make inquiries regard-
ing some European females said to be in captivity at Ras-ul-
Khymah ; and, on the 10th and 11th of January, 1819, fell in
with eight Joasmi sail off the islands of Kishm and Anjar,
(called also Angaum,) when two baghalahs were sunk, and the
six smaller craft, being trankies, managed to effect their escape.
Shortly before her arrival at IManamah, the chief port of
Bahrein,* H.M.S. ' Conway' had proceeded thitlier, and found
* Manamah, situated on the north-east extremity of the island, is a large
town, probably containing not less than twenty-five tliousund inhabitants.
Separated from it by a narrow strait scarcely a mile across, and so shallow that
at low tide a man can wade across is the island of Maharag, having a large town
of the same name, containing the coiintr}- houses of tlie wealtliy inhabitants of
Manamah. On a neighbouring headland stands a large square fort of imposing
appearance, and provided with guns. At the western extremity of Manamah is a
large mass of white buildings, the residence of the Sheikh. Bahrein possesses more
than one hundred and forty trading vessels, besides four hunch-ed pearl boat?, each
having from ten to twenty men. Tlie island is mentioned in ancient geography
under the names of Tyrus (by Arrian) and Aradus, ii'om whicli, says tradition, the
Phoenicians of the Mediterranean coast emigrated to the two small islands
forming tlie sites of the cities of Tyrus and Aradus. Bahrein receives its name from
the sea springs, and Pliny mentions springs of fresh water under the sea which
are still found there, [n the sixteenth century Bahrein was taken by the com-
bined arms of Portugal and Persia, and Antonio Correa, the admiral of llie
former, who proceeded from Ormuz to attack tlic native king, added the title of
Bahrein to his name. The Portuguese historian relates how, stung by the
exactions of their Christian ojipressurs, who "even forced from them theu- wives
and daughters, the iidiabitants of Ormuz and its dependencies formed a con-
spiracy against the Portuguese, and broke out into an ojien insurrection against
them suddenly at Ormuz, Bahrein, Muscat, Kuriat, and Sohar, all in one night, by
previous concert, and by a private order from their king. The attiick was so
sudden and well concerted that above one hundred and twenty of the Portuguese
were slain on that niglit."
Early in the eighteenth century Bahrein was captured by Sidtan-bin-Seif,
Imaum of Muscat, and about tlie year 1770, was tributary to Sheikh Nansur-ul-
Muskoor of Bushire, the most powerful Arab chieftain on the Persian coast.
The Uttoobecs, an Arab tribe, seized on Baiirein A.D. 17S1-, and held the island
until 1800, when Seyyid Sultan, ruler of Muscat, seized Baiirein and left liis son,
a boy of eleven or twelve, as governor. The Uttoobees regained pos.sossion of tlie
island witliin twelve months, but were conquered in lH(t7-8 by tlie Wahabees,
-who sent fifteen chiefs as hostages to their eajiital at Dereyah. One of these,
called Abdool Rahman escaped, and joining Seyyid Said, the new ruler of Muscat,
induced him to send an expedition, wliieh succeeded in dispossessing the Waliabees
of the island. Abdool Kahuiaii was appointed Governor, but lie treaclierously tlirew
off his allegiance and placed himself under tlie protection of the Wahabees, to whom
he agreed to pay tribute. Again in 1816 tlie Imaum attempted the reconquest
of the island, but was repulsed witli great loss, Ahmed, one of liis two brothers,
In 1820, the Uttoobees, alanued at the hostile preparations made
being slain.
by the ruler of Muscat, otfered terms of peace, including an annual tribute equal
to about ifi.OOO, and the usual eusloin dues on all mereliaiidise carried up the
Gulf. At this time the Iniaum's territories included, boides his li.>reditary ])o«-
sessions in Oman, the islands of Kisliui and Ormuz, and he rented from Persia,