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   transmitted by the Hon. Company's cruiser  ' Tcignmoutli  ' on
   the 4th of the same month, to Mr. Bruce, the Political Resident
   at Bushire, also to be forwarded to Shiraz.  As it was desirable
   that Ras-ul-Khymah  should  be  blockaded, Captain  Collier
   ordered the  ' Benares  '  to accompany him  to assist in the ope-
   ration, and, on the same day, the two ships arrived off' the place.
   The military commander, accompanied by his  staff and the
   commanding engineer, reconnoitred the town during the 2()th
   and 27tli November, and, after careful consideration, arrived at
   the conclusion that tlie troops now at Kishm would be sufficient
   for the reduction of Ras-ul-Kliymah, without waiting  for the
   arrival from Bombay of the four remaining transports.  The
   ' Benares  ' was, accordingly, despatched to summon  the  fleet,
   and,  u])on  its  arrival on the  2nd  of December, immediate
   arrangements were made for disembarking the troops and camp
   followers  from  the  transports.  During  the afternoon  the
   remaining four transports from Bombay came in sight; on the
   same day the Imaum arrived with two frigates and about six
   hundred men, considerably less than  he had promised,  but
   his zeal appeared unabated, and his co-operation was of no little
     On the following day the disembarkation was conducted, under
   cover of the gunboats and armed launches of the squadron, with
   surprising celerity and good order, considering the great distance
   the ships were obliged to anchor from the town, and the lack of
   a sufficiency of means for transporting so large a force with all
   the guns, supplies, and  stores necessary for siege operations.
   The landing was effected under the superintendence of Captain
   Loch, assisted by Lieutenant  IMoff'at, R.N., and Lieutenants
   Edward Seawright and (jeorge Barnes Brucks, of the Comi)any's
   ]\larine, who had been  a])pointed agents for transports befure
   leaving I^ombay.  Captain  Collier reported to Govennnent of
   these officers as follows :— "Lieutenants Seawright and Brucks,
   agents for transports, deserve the highest commendation  ; their
   duties have been arduous and harassing.  Nothing could exceed
   the zeal of these officers, and  I truly feel  confident that they
   will meet that reward they are so truly deserving of.  In short,
   any  praise  I can  bestow  will  tall  far  short of what  they
   deserve."  The troops were landed by the ships' l)oals about
   two miles from the town, under protection of the armed launches
   of the squadron, the large boats belonging to the Imaum being of
   great service, while his people worked with energy in bringing
   up the guns and aunnunition to the batteries. That little resist-
   ance was encountered in landing, was due, in a great measiuv.
   to the valuable diversion caused by the "Aurora' and  ' Nautilus."
   which brought up near the mouth of the creek and openeil a
   heavy fire in that direction  ;  for their  services on this occasion
   the officers and men of these vessels received the hearty com-
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