P. 473

                   HISTORY OF THE INDIAN NAVY.           441

     found that some of Commodore Ha^'^es' seamen had taken pos-
     session of the temple by hoisting the Union Jack on its highest
     point. A portion of the force was disembarked on the ishmd
      of Chankrain, opposite to which laj^ the Commodore's ship with
      the other cruisers and transports  at anchor.  On the 25th of
     March, the  entire army, consisting of eight regiments, with
      artillery, was assembled at Kray Kingdong, a few miles distant,
     excepting the 5th, or Madras, Brigade, and the small column
      left at Chankrain.  The naval portion of the force, under the
      command of Commodore Hayes, consisting of several  pilot-
      vessels and armed brigs, ten pinnaces, and a large number of
      gunboats, performed good service during the succeeding opera-
     tions, and the seamen, who were landed to co-operate with the
      arm}% appeared to be inspired  witli the  zeal and enthusiasm
      of their gallant old chief.
        The following were the final arrangements for the co-opera-
      tion of the Marine in the advance upon the Burmese provincial
      capital of Arracan, made by Commodore Hayes in conjunction
      with General Morrison, and  here we may note  the perfect
      harmony with which  the military and naval chiefs worked
      together throughout these oi)erations  :
        The  'Helen,'  six  guns,  Mr. Higgins,  and  'Trusty,'  six
      guns, Mr. Royce, and half the 5th division of gunboats, were
      stationed at the southern part of Chamballa Reach, to support
      the troops  left  in possession of Chankrain Island, and even-
      tually to take possession of Chamballa stockades on the enemy's
      moving towards Arracan.  The  ' Sophia,'  six-gun  brig, with
      the other half of the 5th division of gunboats, was left  to sup-
      port the detail of troops left at Kray Kingdong, and to protect
      the  transports;  the 8th division  of  gunboats, and'Fluto'
      steam vessel, six guns, were stationed under Captain Crawford,
      in advance with Brigadier Grant.  The  1st and 7th divisions
      of gunboats, under Commodore Hayes' personal command, witii
      the 'Research' and  ' Asseerghur,' and the transports,  ' Isabella,"
      ' Brougham,'' Goliath,'  ' Jessy,' and  four Commissariat sloops,
      with the guns, amunuiition, and provisions, were to proceed up
      the river, and form a junction with the army at Mahattie, near
      the capital.  On entering the river, the Commodore received a
      despatch from Mr. Higgins, commanding the detachment of the
      flotilla  in Chamballa  Reach,  stating  that  the enemy  had
      evacuated  the  stockades, and that he  had, agreeably  to  his
      order, occupied them, and  awaited further instructions.  In
      consequence, Commodore Hayes  directed  the  'Sophia" and
      gunboats at Kray Kingdong, immediately to join Mr. Higgins,
      and instructed the  latter  ofTicer  to proceed with  the whole
      detachment up the Chamballa Reach to Arracan, and cause a
      diversion in that quarter.
        In the  direct road between the army and Arracan,
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