Page 316 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
P. 316


                                   NOTES OE A VISIT TO ZANZIBAR.

                         I left Bombay on the 15th January 1834, in H. M.’s ship Imogene,
                       and arrived at Zanzibar, after a passage of fifteen day's, on the evening of
                       the 30th of the same month.
                         We came to anchor off the Imaum’s palace, alongside of the Liver­
                       pool, seventy-four guns, His Highness’ flag-ship, carrying a red flag at
                       the main. This is not the usual place of anchorage, and only made
                       use  of by the Imaum’s men-of-war, in consequence of its being
                       immediately opposite the palace, which stands on the beach, about a
                       quarter of a mile from the ship. We found at this anchorage, besides
                      the Liverpool, two frigates, two corvettes, and a brig. Information
                      relative to the number, force, tonnage, state, age, and condition of His
                      Highness’ squadron is given in an annexed statement.
                         At the anchorage off the town of Zanzibar, which is about five miles
                      from this, there were laying one English merchant brig, one American
                      merchant ship and two brigs, with several small craft of the country.
                      Before we had anchored, His Highness sent off a Captain of one of his
                      frigates to welcome us on our arrival/ and to express His Highness’
                      great pleasure on seeing an English man-of-war. I thanked him for
                      his attention, and said I was sorry it was after sunset, as I could not
                      salute His Highness until early the next morning, when I would do so
                      with twenty-one guns. He said they knew our custom very well, and
                      that the flag-ship was ready to return our salute whenever we began.
                      He now went on shore, and I begged him to state to His Highness
                      that I was sent to pay respects to him, and to inquire after his health ;
                      and that I had also despatches, which I would deliver at any time His
                      Highness would do me the honour to receive me.      The next morning,
                      at daylight, we fired a royal salute, which was taken up by the flag-
                      ship immediately after our last gun, and in the same time, so that it
                      appeared a continuation of the same salute; and this exactness of
                     returning a salute they observed in all subsequent firing, taking it up
                     at our last gun. At 9 o’clock the Captain returned, bringing with him a
                     present, which he said His Highness had sent for the Captain, consist-

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