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              about the state of the market; and they shall enjoy the same privileges
              which are enjoyed (by the vessels) of the most favoured nations.

                                          Article XI.
                No vessel shall be prohibited from importing into or exporting from
              the territories of the Sultan of Muskat any kind of merchandize. The
              trade shall be perfectly free in the said territories, subject to the above-
              mentioned duty, and to no other. The French shall be at liberty to buy
              and sell from whomsoever and to whomsoever they choose; but they
              shall not trade in the articles of ivory and gum copal on that part of the
              East Coast of Africa from the port of Tailgate, situated in 5J degrees of
              south latitude, to the port of Culva, lying in 9 degrees south of the
              equator, both ports inclusive. But if the English or Americans, or any
              other Christian nation, should carry on this trade, the French shall, in
              like manner, be at liberty to do so.
                                          Article XIT.
                If any disputes should arise in the dominions of the Sultan of Muskat
              as to the value of goods which shall be imported by French merchants,
              and on which the duty of five per cent, is to be levied, the Custom-master,
              or other person acting on the part of the Sultan of Muskat, shall, when
              practicable, receive one-twentieth part of the goods, and the merchant
              shall then be subject to no further demand on account of customs on
              the remaining goods, in any part of the dominions of the Sultan of
              Muskat to which he may transport them. But if the Custom-master
              should object to levy the duty in the manner aforesaid, by taking
              one-twentieth part of the goods, or if the goods should not admit of
              being so divided, then the point in dispute shall be referred to two
              competent persons, one chosen by the Custom-master, and the other
              by the merchant, who shall make a valuation of the goods; and if they
              shall differ in opinion, they shall appoint an arbitrator, whose decision
              shall be final, and the duty shall be levied according to the value thus
                                         Article XIII.
                It shall not be lawful for any French merchant to expose his goods
              for sale for the space of three days after the arrival of such goods, unless
              the Custom-master and the merchant shall have agreed as to the value
              of such goods. If the Custom-master shall not within three days have
              accepted one of the two modes proposed for ascertaining the value of
              the goods, the authorities on the part of the Sultan of Muskat,  on an
              intimation being made to them on the subject, shall compel the Custom-
              xnaster to choose one of the two modes for the levy of the duty.
                                          Article XIV.
                If it shall happen that either the King of the French or the Sultan of


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