Page 312 - Arabian Gulf Intellegence
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                        Muskat should be at war  with another country, the subjecls of the King
                        of the French and the subjects of the Sultan of Muskat shall neverthe­
                        less be allowed to trade with, and to take to such country, merchandize
                        of every description, except warlike stores, but they shall not be allowed
                       to enter any port or place actually blockaded or besieged.
                                                    Article XV.
                          Should a vessel under the French flag enter a port in the dominions
                       of the Sultan of Muskat in distress, the local authorities at such port
                       shall afford all necessary aid to enable the vessel to refit, and to  prose-
                       cute her voyage ; and if any such vessel should be wrecked on the
                       coasts of the dominions of the Sultan of Muskat, the authorities on the
                       part of the Sultan of Muskat shall render all the assistance in their
                       power to recover and deliver over to the owner, or the Consul, the pro­
                       perty that may be saved from such wreck. The same assistance and
                       protection shall be afforded to vessels of the dominions of the Sultan of
                       Muskat, and property saved therefrom under similar circumstances, in
                       the ports and on the coasts of the French dominions.
                                                   Article XVI.
                          If any person not belonging to the Christian nations shall steal any
                       article from a French vessel, and take it to the dominions of the Sultan
                       of Muskat, it shall be recovered from the robber, and delivered over to
                       the Consul.
                                                   Article XVII.
                          The French shall be at liberty to hire or erect houses and warehouses,
                       at Zanzibar, or anywhere else.
                                                   Article XVIII.
                          Any Engagements which may have been entered into previously to
                       this are null and void, and are not to be acted upon or attended to.
                                                    Article XIX.
                          The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof
                       shall be exchanged, at Muskat or Zanzibar, as soon as possible, and
                       within the space of fifteen months from the date hereof.

                         Dated the 6th Zilkad, Hijree 1260 (corresponding with the 11th No-
                       vember 1844, a. d.).
                                                        (True translation)
                                                           (Signed) W. Escombe,
                                                                   Secretary to Government.

                         Memorandum.—On the 4th February 1846, the ratifications of the
                       foregoing Treaty were exchanged between His Highness the Imaum o
                       Muskat and Commodore Monsieur JEtomain Desfosses, on the part o ie
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