Page 144 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 144

446                       Records of Bahrain

                                                    GOVERNMENT OE BAHRAIN.

                                                 BUDGET EOR THE YEAR 1348.

                              I       Customs Receipts, duty including,
                                           a.  Supervision fees
                                           b.  Sales of forme
                                           o* Y/eight certificates
   al                                      d. Amendment fees
                                           0.  Certificate fees
                                           f. Khan chi
                                               H email
                                           h. Pier foes
                                           1.  Royalty charges.,

                                 L <       Total of above ................................  Rs. 9,60,000/-
                                II    Taxes on Motor Cars, Drivers* Licenses       Rs.    5,000/-
                                                                              • • o •
     ;                         in     Poarling Licenses ....................................  Rb.  55,000/-
                                IV, ;•  Boat Registrations ..........................................  Rs*  3,000/-
  i:                             V    Miscellaneous fees, etc. ....................  Rs.  7,000/-
  vf {
                                VI    Judicial Receipts ....................................  Rs.  10,000/-
                               VII v   Interest on reserve ................................  Rs.  15,000/-
   '                          YIII y  Loans Recoverable ....................................  Rs*  27,098/-
                                IX Cash assets at beginning of yoar 1348,
                                     Affixed Deposits, Bombay excluding reserve • • >  Rs. 2,00,000/-
  -                             VJJ   Cash in Consolidated Eund, Bahrain           Hs. 1,10,238/-
  I                                   Cash in Lloys's Bank, Bombay..........       Rs.   35,259/-

                                      Cash in current account with
    .                                      Eastern Bank, Bombay .............      Rs. 2,04,981/-
                                                                    Total Rupees —  16,32,576/-


                            •The .above does not include the Reserve, Rs. 3,00,000/- ^Rupees three
   •! '                     Lacs) which is on Pixed Deposit, in Bombayf.

                                                         Sealed. Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifah,
                                                                 Deputy Ruler of Bahrain.

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