Page 143 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 143

State finances, 1928-1932                445


                                H. E. Shaikh Hamad wishes paxtt&Z&y-
                         to purchaoc a well boring machine for the
                         purpose of agricultural experiments,
                                Unforaeen expenditure. The cum of
                         Rs• 73,000/- appears a large allotment uni er
                         this heading hut it allows for the return
                         of the rents to the Khalid Shaikhs whose

                         property was confiscated by the Government
                         owing to their complicity in the Sitra
                                Compensation.      This includes
                         Government’s compensation to victims of fires
                         and other misfortunes as well as compensations
                         ordered by the Courts in cases of illegal

                         gifts of private property by H, E. Shaikh
                         Isa which continue occasionally to come to
                                        I have the honour to be,
                                         Your obedient Servant,

                                           Financial Adviser,
                                            Bahrain State.
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