Page 142 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 142

444                       Records of Bahrain


                                                    2, Protection. The allotment for pro­
                                             tection is slightly Icon thia year owing to a
                                             reduction in the strength of the Indiai Police.
                                                    3.   Government Departments. The only

                                             noticeable difference under thi3 heading i3 the
                                             reduction in the allotment to the Land Department,
                                             At present only one surveyor io being employed
                                             and until the end of the summer no more surveyors
                                             will be enliotcd. Last year provision was made
                                             for eight surveyors all through the year.
                                                    The appointment of two ohia Qadis and a
                                             separate Shia Waqf Department, also the increased

                                             pay of the Sunni QadiB has necessitated more
                                             expenditure under Judicial and V/aqfs.
                                                    4. Education. An additional Rs. 12,000/-
                                             has been allowed under this item for the develop-
                                             ment of technical education and also for the
  | i
                                             expansion of the Shia School when the building
                                             is completed.
  J                                                 The remaining items of recurrent expendi­
  I                                          ture scarcely differ from last year.
  I .                                               The excess of revenue over recurrent
                                             expenditure as budgeted this year is Ra. 31,000/-
                                             not a largfn margin.
  i :
                                                    Special Projects. The actual contract
                                             for the electrification of Manama is for
 ! '                                         L 20,607/17/0 Pounds Sterling, but an additional
                                             amount i3 needed for the inside work on the
                                             palace and on Government buildings.
   f                                                It is essential that the State ohould
   1                                         own a Government Launch,   II. E. Shaikh has now
   .                                         to hire a launch when he requires one, as he

                                             presented his own to the Shaikh of Kathar two
   n                                         years ago.
   * .
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