Page 138 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 138


                            440                       Records of Bahrain

                               member of the Ai Khalifuh without a corresponding oaving being
                               ohown either  owing to the death or curtailment of the allow­
                                ance of onothcr member of the family.
                                    At the oamo time it io oatiofactory that the State io in
                                a pooition to bear this heavy drain ana otill show a ourpluo.
                                In other leee favoured Stutee in the Gulf it io the resentment
                                of relatives at what they rgaru as an inequitable divioion of

                                the booty, owing to the Ruler'u appropriation of the major
                                share of the revenueo, that leads to the regrettuble caoeo of
                                frutricide, which are a future of GULf hiotory.              j
                                 4.   It is hoped that the State will now turn its attention to '
  i: .                          the meuical ana ounitary problems v/hic, in opite of the excell-l

                                ent work of and great improvementr wrought by the Municpal itiecj
                                otill remain to be tackled.
                                 5.  Ur. Del eg rave deserves great rrecit for a ouuc.eonful yearej

  :i                                                            I have the honour to be
                                                                 Your Most obeaient servant.

                                                       Sd/ C. CA d. Barrett, Lt.-Colonel,
  := •                                               Political Resident in the Persian Gulf.

                                      Copy forwarded to the Political Agent at Bahrain for
                                                 Sd/ J.Croning
                                              for Secretary to the Political Resident
                                                              in the Persian Gulf
                                 Bus ire, 8th August iy2$i.
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