Page 136 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 136
438 Records of Bahrain
No. 1817 of 1920 • *.
Britioh Reaidenqy & Oonoulate~''enoral#
tr ;' . ' : ■
Buehire,tho 3o - Oepidmbor 1928.
. ■ ■
From ■ -'.i
Tho 3acretary to the Hon1bio the
• • ' !•. . * ' -A'
in the Poroian Qul$# >>
To • •'(
r •
The Political A^ont# • - V;
Bahrain. $ ’ ■’ •
In roply to your Ro.T.Ol dated ithe 4,8 th
Boptorab9r 1928 forwarding the new Budget of Bahrein Staff/ :'>£
I for tho year 1347 with the Adviaor Bahrein State*0 remark's
and explanatory notoo on the Royqauo and ixpondlturfl>;.X°r
* 134 6, I m dirootod by tho Jlon'ble tho Politioal ltcuident! ’• /
I '
’■ !,• .
11 in the Poroian Qulf to aay tliat tho BudL^ot ueeme Tory
oatiufaotojy but that with roaeipto under head Reyenu® / v;.
ilxoeadini; iiotimatea, a regular oum ehould^o adae$\%o-.t
RooorYe Yund.
Tho aim of tho Btate ehould gradually he to .hfrV#.
a Baying of at leaet ono year'e rovonue ao a Reoery# to
unforoeon ciraujuotanooo.
Tho Hon*bio the Politioal Roeident in .the Pe'yifol
Qulf further direote me to oay that he.agreoo with M
eduoation ie the dominant interest. :v^
• • •
X have the honour to
Sir# :..
Your moot Qhediont eervantj
" :
. W:
Ooi|i9i*rj to th. -Poliac