Page 133 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 133
State finances, 1928-1932 435
offioicncy of this department.
Judicial and Waqfo. During the year oovoral
Courto havo been instituted or revived and a
Waqf dopartraont haa boon re-organised, These
fcavo rosultod in incroaood expenditure under
this heading.
The Courts aro ao follows.-
The Bahrain Court. The Adviser and Shaikh
Salman bin Hamad A1 Khalifa.
Potty Court. The Assistant Advisor and Amir
of Manama.
Shara Courts • • 1. Three Sunni Qsadis
2. The Shis Qaadi.
Majlis Tijarq. A commercial Court of 24 mer
chant members undor the presidency of a Shaikh
of the Ruling Family.
Diving Court. During about 4 months of the
year. Consists of 4 mombers and a Shaikh.
Vfaqf Departments. (Shia and Sunnis) The
Qaadis assisted by Clerks and Supervisors together
with an advisory council.
Theso Courts etc. ontaii^oonslderablo oxpen-
diture in salaries and general upkeop.
THe cost of maintaining the above Courto etc.
is Rs. 27,000/-. Total Court fees collooted
during 1346 amountod to Rs. liVn\vj^v.
PUBLIC WORKS. No public works of outstanding
importance have been entered upon this year but
the following minor repairs eto. have been carried out.
1. Partial re-building of Polioe Station in
Manama and Customs Clerks' quarters.
2. Extension and repairs to H. E. Shaikh Hamad's
privato house at Sakhir.
3. Repairs to Customs Pier badly damaged by
heavy 0040.