Page 130 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 130
432 Records of Bahrain
Hotob on expenditure under budgot headingo
for 1344.
Allowanooa to the Ruling Family. About
one half of the total ostimatod rovonuo ia
paid over yearly to the Ruling family through
the Civil List and various annual allowances
at religious festivals, oto.
This amount does not inolude salaries which
are paid to various ShaikhSyin addition to
their allowance o^ who occupy positions in the
such as Magistrates, Presidents of Courts,
Amirs Eto, These payments are inoluded
under other headings, Proteotion, Judicial &o.
H. E. Shaikh Hamad does not ask any of the
Ruling family to occupy positions entailing
any work without giving to them generous
additional salaries which they oxpect to retain
after they retira from their public duties in
addition to their Civil List allowances,
A sum of Rs. 12,000/- spent on enlarging
H. E. Shaikh Hamad 's house at Sakhir is not
included under this heading but under Public
The total amount paid to the Ruling family out
of the State funds during 1346 was Rs. —
The total budgeted amount of revenue of
State was Rs. 9,90,000/-, and the actual
revenue Rs . ------.
In this oonneotion I ?/ould mention that should
it bo considered suitable a note remarking on
the heavy expenditure under this heading would