Page 135 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 135
State finances, 1928-1932 437
Municipalities. Since laot yoar a Municipality
has boon ostabliohod in Muharrak. It roooiges
a monthly oubaidy of Rs. 2000/- per month, This
doubles tho expenditure undor this heading.
Eloctrio Installation and Manama Muharrak Road.
not commenced.
Land Registration and Settlement Department.
Tho Land Registration Department has dealt with
about 300 salos, transfers etc. during tho yoar.
It is satisfactory to see that the number of
applications steadily increases and the publio
appreciate this branch of the Government.
Tho work of tho Land Settlement Department
which is also the Survey Department has boon some
what restricted owing to illness among the Indian
Surveyors. It carriod out a dotailod surtoey of
the stretch of shallow sea between the islands of
Manama and Muharrak, whieh with a viow to the
proposed soa road between those islands.
The Survey of the gardens in tho Khalifa Estate
caso which has been going on for 26 years was com
pleted. Five villages together with their date
gardons were surveyed and their water rights were
settlod and rocordod.
Tho work of the department although somewhat
oxponsive will be of lasting value and will put
an end to tho incessant disputes usually between
Arabs and Bahamas over boundaries and irrigation
Tho Department is well equipped with modern
Survey instruments whioh have gradually been pur
chased by tho State.