Page 137 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 137

State finances, 1928-1932                439

                                 N0.331-S. of l929.
                   Brifciuh Residency and Conuuiato-Generui,
                                 Buuhiro,8th Auguot 1929
                  The hon'ble Lieut-Col. C.C,J.Barrott,C.S.I • •  C.I.B.,
                            Political ^eoidont in the Pcroian Gulf.

                  The Foreign Secretary to the Government of India
                        in the Foreign and Political Department,Simla.
                                   Bahrain State Budget.
                  I have the honour to forward a copy of a letter from the
              Advieer to the Bahrain State to the Political Agent at Bahrain,
              ---------------------------------- — - — -------  giving cover to the State
        l60, dated 29th Uuharam 1  348 (7-7-29)  Budget for the Arabic year
                   4th Safar 1348(117-29 )
                2. The finance of the State   whose Qaoh Balance hae incrcae
              -ed by a lac of rupeoe tp 8-J- lacs, are very sutiofactory,. and
               it will be in a pooition easily to meet the heavy claim for
               the electric power ochcme which will fall on it in the year
                3, The State unuito inhabitants have awfJccned to the advar.t-
               ugooxx of education ae ie testified by the increaoe of expend­
               iture to Re 90,000, ar.d by the 6enaing of eight pupils, to the
              American University at Beirut as State scholars.  It ie a pity
               that no school nearer home, undor British supervision, of
               equally good standing was known to the State authorities. The
               American University hao a great reputation through out the
               Miduie ■“'ust, and it is hoped that the experiment will turn out

               a buccobo.
                    The Expenditure on the Civil List hao again increased
               largely on account of an additional grant to th?. old shaikh

               1  Ioa,and to the restoration of the allowance to certian Ai
               Khalil'ah hitherto in exile,  It is certianly time that Shaikh
                                r.-,v .  vi-
               Humad realised that hc,continue increasing the allowance to
               his family indefinitely. Ur. Belegrave is impressing upon hin
               tiiat the time nuo now come whun no grunt saouiu bo made to a
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