Page 137 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 137
State finances, 1928-1932 439
N0.331-S. of l929.
Brifciuh Residency and Conuuiato-Generui,
Buuhiro,8th Auguot 1929
The hon'ble Lieut-Col. C.C,J.Barrott,C.S.I • • C.I.B.,
Political ^eoidont in the Pcroian Gulf.
The Foreign Secretary to the Government of India
in the Foreign and Political Department,Simla.
Bahrain State Budget.
I have the honour to forward a copy of a letter from the
Advieer to the Bahrain State to the Political Agent at Bahrain,
---------------------------------- — - — ------- giving cover to the State
l60, dated 29th Uuharam 1 348 (7-7-29) Budget for the Arabic year
4th Safar 1348(117-29 )
2. The finance of the State whose Qaoh Balance hae incrcae
-ed by a lac of rupeoe tp 8-J- lacs, are very sutiofactory,. and
it will be in a pooition easily to meet the heavy claim for
the electric power ochcme which will fall on it in the year
3, The State unuito inhabitants have awfJccned to the advar.t-
ugooxx of education ae ie testified by the increaoe of expend
iture to Re 90,000, ar.d by the 6enaing of eight pupils, to the
American University at Beirut as State scholars. It ie a pity
that no school nearer home, undor British supervision, of
equally good standing was known to the State authorities. The
American University hao a great reputation through out the
Miduie ■“'ust, and it is hoped that the experiment will turn out
a buccobo.
The Expenditure on the Civil List hao again increased
largely on account of an additional grant to th?. old shaikh
1 Ioa,and to the restoration of the allowance to certian Ai
Khalil'ah hitherto in exile, It is certianly time that Shaikh
r.-,v . vi-
Humad realised that hc,continue increasing the allowance to
his family indefinitely. Ur. Belegrave is impressing upon hin
tiiat the time nuo now come whun no grunt saouiu bo made to a