Page 134 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 134


                          436                       Records of Bahrain

 £t'                                 4.  Gatoo and wall at ontranoo of Cuotomo
                                     5.  Completion of now oummor rooms on roof
                                         of Shaikh Hamad'a otato palaco in
                                     6.  Building of mooquo at Idari opring.
                                     7.  Repairs to Rafaa and Sohla road and
                                         mending bridgoa.
                                     8.  Ropaira to Budoya Road and bridgoa.
                                     9.  Now Road aoroes Suit A1 Khamia.
                                    10.  Additiona to Quarantine.
 :                                  11.  Rebuilding of Agency Pier.
                                    12.  Building of two new Shia Schoola.
                                    13.  Repairs to old Poraian Moaquo at Suk
  !                                      A1 Khamia,
                                    14.  Pilling in of Sea Spaooa ineide tho
                                          Sea Road.

                                      Tho State has no Public Works department.
                                   All such work is carried out undor the supervision
                                   of the Adviser and Mr. Mohoraed Khalil, the Super­
                                   visor of the Land Department.
                                      Education.  The monthly allotment to the
                                   Education committee was raised from Rs. 1000/-

                                   to Ra. 2500/-.   Now Schools have been opened in
                                   Hidd and in Rufaa and tho Manama and Muharrakk
                                   8choola have been enlarged,   The teaching staff
                                   has also boen increased.
                                      Two Shia Schools are now being started,    These

                                   are tho firot Shia Schools in Bahrain which have
                                   boen supported by the State,   The Shia Community
                                   subscribed towards the building and the State
                                   doubled the amount that v/as subscribed,   Those
                                   schools are to bo maintained by tho State in the
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