Page 21 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 21
Regional relations, 1926-1931 323
Mo. 142 C. The Agencyi Bahrain.
Conf idont. ial. 21st December 1929.
it- ‘y'X-
From !l ' \ \. r
The Political ‘gent,
✓ •
Bahrain. i
The Ilon'blc the Political Resident,
in the Perniar) Gulf, Bushire.
I have the honour to reTer to the question of Shiah
refugees from ty&tif, and to invite a reference to my prede-
cesrors T.2 dated the 22nd November 1.127, and Captain V/atts
reply Bo. I6-S dated the 8th January 1927. My copy of this
letter T 2 states in the concluding paragraph 1 but I do* think
the Government of Bahrain can move in this matter officially 1
whereas it ould ap.ear from the rest of the letter that the
contrary is meant, and evidently a ' not 1 between the'do'and
the'think'has been omitted. In his T I of the 20th January
I?28 and his 1)I-S dated the 21 st February the Resident appear
ed to reconsider the instructions conveyed in Captain Watte
above mentioned letter.
2. An the matter did not appear to have been defin-
it..cly decided I raised the question, and in his letter 2745
dated .the 50th November 1929 Major Fov/le instructed me that- *
a few recognised Bahrain subjects v/ho did. business or resided
on the Hasa Coast were clearly entitled to our protection.
I had intended to discuss the question with you at Bahrain, •
as I knew of the coming exodus from fyitif, but in the press
ure of work it escaped ray memory.
* V ■»
3. Yesterday morning,I had gone to Sakhir to hawk
v/ith ll.E.Shaikh Hamad, and when v/e halted for lunch he-was •
ourprioed to see a
doputfttion approaohing ue