Page 21 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 21

Regional relations, 1926-1931               323

            Mo. 142 C.                      The Agencyi Bahrain.
            Conf idont. ial.                     21st December 1929.

                                    it- ‘y'X-
            From                                 !l ' \ \. r
                                                  I  I
                The Political ‘gent,
                                                         ✓ •
                       Bahrain.                             i
                The Ilon'blc the Political Resident,
                        in the Perniar) Gulf, Bushire.

                     I have the honour to reTer to the question of Shiah
            refugees from ty&tif, and to invite a reference to my prede-
            cesrors T.2 dated the 22nd November 1.127, and Captain V/atts
            reply Bo. I6-S dated the 8th January 1927.   My copy of this
            letter T 2 states in the concluding paragraph 1 but I do* think
            the Government of Bahrain can move in this matter officially 1
            whereas it  ould ap.ear from the rest of the letter that the
            contrary is meant, and evidently a ' not 1 between the'do'and
            the'think'has been omitted.    In his T I of the 20th January

            I?28 and his 1)I-S dated the 21 st February the Resident appear­
            ed to reconsider the instructions conveyed in Captain Watte
            above mentioned letter.
                     2.  An the matter did not appear to have been defin-
            it..cly decided I raised the question, and in his letter 2745
            dated .the 50th November 1929 Major Fov/le instructed me that- *
            a few recognised Bahrain subjects v/ho did. business or resided
            on the Hasa Coast were clearly entitled to our protection.

            I had intended to discuss the question with you at Bahrain, •
            as I knew of the coming exodus from fyitif, but in the press­
            ure of work it escaped ray memory.
                           * V                         ■»
                     3.  Yesterday morning,I had gone to Sakhir to hawk
            v/ith ll.E.Shaikh Hamad, and when v/e halted for lunch he-was •
            ourprioed to see a
                               doputfttion  approaohing ue
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