Page 328 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 328

Ihe development of educationt 1928-1930
                                                     630                           Records of Bahrain                                                                                                                           631

                                                                  \                                                                                                      * /                 .-2-1
                                                                                                                                                      S              f c}J>^ ^Os L+J1 with religious education
                                                                                                        No.//2- /V.O.  of 1930       “V                                                                                 and abolish
                                                                         *•                                                                                  OS isOj> cJ'yS (J*Xj Arabic, but Shaikh
                                                              n -  ^            \ o                     bated 16th February I960,                                                                                   bdullah hold a rnoctiD:
                                                                                                                                                     ^ IS ^ ^ t l^-W1 n‘ 1 ^ 1 ^ 1            and clearly proven th* t the
                                                                                                                                                     #• /  * 9                i         f •                                rumours v/ero
                                                                                                                                                    (*/ U  1* Li-j^1 iii j
                                                                                            To                                                                                       lL~Z j, baseless.
                                                                                                       :lin excel ioncy Shaikh liana d bin                                                         4# At tho next meeting Khan Bahadur
                                                                   or^- f ^
                                                                                                         ’Isa nl-Khalifnh, 0.8.1.,                                                            ’Abdul ’Aziz '•uuaibi had. tiic temerity to
                                                                                                            Deputy Ruler of Bahrain*                  < ’rV^ ^ to                           1 attack Shaikh ’Aboulirh and to say that •
                                                                                                                                                                                   S\ cJ ifj the Government had no right to intorfere
                                                          iiC' '■                 3 <b^i^ After Compliments,
                                                      i •>
                                                                                                                                                                                        / j • in tho managomont oi the schools.
                                                                                                                                                                        ~ uzjj' ^                                                 Since
                                                                     f'UJutj.'i L
                                                                                                       I hr.vo tho honour to soy that                                 ^ iv Lto to* J          tho Government p.'-vr. the ■•hole cost of tho
                                                                    1    t** 'r+yj*’ J •                                                                     ^
                                                                                         >1 tho Adviser hno sont mo  e petition regard-                                                       schools, they have every right to ao what
                                                       j u— CU 2 y\Z Li (^</S*x ■                                                                                                    d! fjJ  I
                                                                                            ing the two achoolmastore who have been                                                           thoy oloaso with them. Bahrain must be
                                                               ij'.-   • i
                                                                                            diamicsoo and ho onyu tliat you wioh to                                                           tho only country in tiie world v/iicro tho
                                                                                                                                                          J          ' * r>         ;  '   ,
                                                   L *                                      learn my viowe on the matter.                                 I* ,                                schools are control I vu by a commit loo who
                                                                                                                                                          ^ ’ .                                                     rile and it would bo
                                                                                                      ..iion 1 returned from Baghdad I                j . ) ’f*                  y cr \s^ ff* can on roly ariu
                                                                                                                                                                    S 1<C ’j £, \fju Jj i’o>‘ bettor if h’lu-iki '...ocullah and the
                                                                                            »'«' s n.riszeo to near L/irt tho two hoaomoptei
                                                   i.OI                                                                                              Cr^t
                                                  &                             ]y     [ 11 hrd oiosoo thoir ociiuolo and iiau issued                    ,• <^UL/                             inspector were left to .nor.r.go them without
                                                  iM'"      A>^£>  j          ^U.          un u^i*'n°tujn to the 0ovem/:.ont oraoring :>;■           < [/\                                    intorforonce.   If * l:.':ii Bnhadur ’Abdul *Azi:
                                                                /                                                                                     S\Y\u ‘           ; ^^ -rr^             Qusn^i iy so interested in schools lot hii
                                                                                            tiiern to agree to ccrlian conaitione, lail-
                                       I                                                    in-; v/nicii thoy threatened to keep the :rl'-                      sis' &          d'\ rMj) & organise thorn in IJajc or iiasa v/hero they
                                                            ^0                * <-r^'   1 schools closed.                                                  • dj'iy A'/jfSL* l)1 u> l’re ir,lich m0r0 ur-enUy ro uirod*
                                                                                                 2.                                                        yll r, I jcl ~j)   »          ~         5. I have just hears that tho oohoo.
                                                                                                                                                                                              -boys at Muliarra hove broken every pane oi
                                                  *:>••   .   ,                 ^yj f/1 »i «. i»y» V t;»-" - !"°ul“ tu
                                                  yyr^i j^m •                                     .0 t,«, tU» «U-                                                                 vJ'ji  >>/  glass in it and smashed all tho bonches
                                                    r.                     .      l>^ J i unolioro                Uiey “0r° lfl,                                          sLmjjlj ^fyli I anj tables, doing  over     1000/- worth of
                                                                                           ot th. M.r.,o„i - »t IV.                                                                                    iVhon tho master defy tiie Govornmei
                                                   ^                      £> <ss J'ljz The UuUOI'U                                                                                                                            I trust Youj
                                        ■                                                                             . rQ who ;nurit-oo                                     - rfj ^ ‘(JJ'fc' damago.
                                                                                                      on ue,-> rtmont nay very properly
                                                         to to •h—‘ u“ l“’                                                                             O *   — --                             the pupils will imitate thorn.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         will deal firmly with tho situai
                                                            J         t’[                                                                                            ^  9                     Bxco1loncy
                                                                         ) (sjjj I       I ,!,l,ch ceverur punisiunoat, and they should                                                       -ion*
                                                                           0 •                                                                       f?Wl <i.
                                                                                      i I on no account ho allowed to return.                                                                           This is whyl has to be said and
                                                       I .           * lrf> ±1* <!r+ <Jl>       6.   it will not bo concealed from                                   ryL                                           0
                                                   Cr^^J cJlLd C i         ^ ^ CsAJ'S j Your Excellency th* t there                                                                        /  6aiam3.
                                                                                                                       8: e  others wlic                                         r
                                                                                           aio more cul able lhaA those two maotere  I ;
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Political Agent, Balirair
                                                                                                                                                           S \s if * \J}.9
                                                                                           f Mu  ti»t’t tiie J at.Vi.  boon insLigi:tod by ot
                                                  b/»   r                                  U hue boon frooly assorted taf t Ue Kdu
                                                                                                                                                                                                   kdlz ftdv-L ^'"2-
                                                                                           -ion oeprrtmunt were trying; to interfere;
                                                                                                                                                                                                   flfcJb ; /■?-.>. fcA
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