Page 333 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 333
The development of education, 1928-1930 633
Translation of orticle in
the Al-Ahod Dl. 38 th Sot.
Shuwool, 1348.
We hove received the following or
ticle concerning educotionol offairs
G i ) in Bahrain from on active and learned
Syrian who depurted for thut country.-
"To the Virtuous, the owner ol*
the new epoch"
s i~'-;s '• .
Being the foremost of all native
papers for disseminuting Truth and
J1, J v'.A o* k*il;
^j\\ 0'*J\ interested as you ure in the develop
: JU *Ji> ments in uli Arabicyspeaking regions,
^iVl' * JpJl I yvL I/■**■ •
I considered it essential to provide
you, and such of your unxious readers
oAyL ("lLr .uy» « ^uJ-l
UJul'oty cJ, • U,,JI jlLiVl with my knowledge of tne recent inci
JS'Oi C y, jc tfxc l: dents in a flourishing nrab country.
iiLUi i>Lii j ii*U o'i
**r t>* I am just back from a long tour
• J \ .*• . jUI
of the South-eust of Arabia and Iraq.
V>:r *u ;.0‘ jfli <d' ,cd
Many individuals, jealous of the spread
ors. o' Lcj • j’> J'
tsj' vf j f1' J*- OjAt/ of education in all the Moslem countries,
\j uOU' jyii o\uVi osked me about the invident. of the clos
■sj' AI.J.
ing of the schools in Uahrain, as I
O'wUij If Ji «Jj jlT j»i-J IJl* jl
was known to be there at the time.
'~')){9m >Aj jjt It I
When I found thut the description of
the incident in many newspapers was
far from being true, I have decided
to inform the readers through your
medium what I actually saw during my