Page 338 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 338
638 Records oj Bahrain
vost uncultivated areas to be cultivated
to produce vegetables and I'm its which
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at the wo present time are being impor
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lijj J ted into, in large quantities, and
jr Yj helping to restrict the wealth from
Uj^j ojW' j}VJl jbl u»
going out of this country, This will
^j'Uhl _'mwJjl l»
also help tho native to Jeorn a profes
•b^j j|.» I VI Cjmj.xh sion to develop the natural resources
J' ojUj i Lrw-jJ. *ijj o of his own country.
Ilia*; yljj'j ol-l UjUi
I had v/anted to acquaint you and the
Jl'lj Ol V* «*' V**J*
public with those facts regarding
•x'df t; frj^y) 'll>J
KducetioniO affairs in Rnhrnin and the
1 J-
dismissal by tins Government of the two
headmasters, one of whom narr.iised
the educational movement of course aided
by the other, Tht schools neverthless
have now ro-openad and are working very
May God render circumstances favour
able for then to achieve their goal I
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