Page 341 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 341

The development of education, 1928-1930       641
           ru .Tr!!2la*1on ®f,an anonymous letter dateci 16th Jamadiul
           Thanl,1349, i.e.6.1 .30, to the Honourable the Political Resident,
           Bushire, Persian Gulf, Camp Bahrain.
           After compliments etc.,

                      Being encouraged by the kindness and mercy which is
           shown towards the poor and helpless, and the great interest
           which is taken to educate the ignorants, by Your most Exalted
           and Benign Government, we dare to lay a few words for Your

           Honours' perusal which would reveal the hardships and difficulties
           which our State Education has been destined to suffer.
                      The hard blow which this country has received is of a
           very serious nature and sufficient enough for the deterioration
           of its sons,   The result which these circumstances foreshadow is

           complete destruction.    The bad state of affairs of which we are
           complaining, is not one of today's or a recent one, but one
           which began last year when Sayyid Uthman and Sayyid 'Umar, the

           Head Masters of Muharraq and Manama Schools respectively, were
           deported and things were made over to Faiq Adham the Inspector
           of Schools.
                      The said Inspector was appointed by the Bahrain Govern­
           ment at a time when the education was flourishing and at its height.

           The first thing that he did, after his taking over, was to in­
           troduce changes and alterations in the system of teaching, which
           created a sort of misunderstanding between himself and the
           Headmasters. This was followed by mismanagement and want of

           discipline in the Schools. The Inspector requested the Bahrain
           Government for their deportation and they were deported according­
           ly. The deportation resulted in a great protest from the teachers
           and students, who refused to attend classes. The students have
           gained nothing during the last year-.

                      During the summer vacation the Inspector went to Syria
           and brought teachers with him who are not trusted by the people,
           and consequently the number of students is one fourth of the last
           years number. The Moharraq School had 180 students last year

           but now there are hardly more than 47. The Government does not
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