Page 340 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 340
640 Records of Bahrain
- 8 •'
olnoo a down boat nas in harbour and on nail not
V dut for five duys they word oont by that route* They
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arc roportod to have olnoo reached Baghdad and are
■. i •.
no doubt houe by non. Yho itolitiaal Agent at/B^TalgV
"* * * j'!/;: *'
informs mo that tho Bahrain Government have $$$
prominont Damascene paper a letter from Shaikh'. •
• \ • • *rv;v-'v
Abdulla giving liio roaoono for die charging ^he :#pp, v. \*v
* . r 1 •*; ■ *» .
The Ja'afarl oohool,' nhioh to til* tWW*
Shi all oohool, have non aoked that they uho^ 'be' glyon'i
tho benefit of the nen lnopootor , which <p£aQtly ys.
what tho others wished'to avoid. V :
I have tho honour , to • be •
sir, . . .
Your moot obodient oorvant,
■ !
Lieut • wOolontl iJv-f/s
Polltioal Kooldont in the Perolun Gulf.
Cony forwarded to the J.Jol itical 'Agent at • Bahrain.'
for Information.
By Order,
...... V\.
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for fieefetary to the J'olitical. He tridentV(
. : •
k : in tho I’ernlnh idulfv
tXv Api: n 1.900.
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