Page 339 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 339

The development oj education, 1928-1930
                                   Mo. 107-U. or 1930.
                         British Hooldonoy and Connulute-Ounoral,

                                Buohiro, tho 9th(1AP^rifi5S0v^^
                                             /SS5& X
                                             [[ o\ ibAra. 1^30 ;-V /
                                             Vi ^        ~     *
                  From                        XQahrt^^"
                       Tho Hon'ble Lieut.-Colonel H. Y. Biocoo, I.A.,
                            Political Hcnidant in tho Persian Uulf,
                       Tho Foreign necrctary to tho (Jovernraent of India,
                                      H 1 ,ra 1 a.

                          Strike by oortain Schoolmasters at Bnhraln.

                            In continuation of my letter Mo. 139-H of the
                  20th Jiuroh 1930, I havo tho honour to otate that tho
                  oituatlon in now normul and tlmt tho Manama oohool
                  hau actually more boyo at present than boforo tho
                  strlko.   Tho only further dovolopmoiittjjlmvo boon
                  attacks in tho Iraqi and, it io believed, Syrian

                  preos, attributing tho otrlko to the autooratio methods
                 of tha Political Agent, who, it io oaid, endeavoured
                 to impooo tho otudy of ICngliah on all forms, and when
                 tho teachers proton ted had then deported,   It need
                 hardly be added that thin otatoraent is absolutely
                 untrue, and Captain Prior Informs we that, on tho
                 contrury, ho hao on occasions warned tho educational
                 authorities that ho thought they wore inclined to mafci ,
                 boys oommonce Pngliuh too noon.,
                 2.        Tho trouble wao at two of tho nunnl schools
                 only] the nhlah aakooln did not join in.   ThO two
                 mao tore woro 3yrlan, from tho iluuran, and wero sent
                 back thoro via JCaruchl.  Thoy had been organising
                 prooeoslons of ochool-boys and parading the townj and

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