Page 336 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 336
636 Records of Bahrain
difforontiate botwcon the benefits of
cTJjSBj JUj £*'•*
o true enterprise ami on insincere
attempt in disguise.
obsd 14:. j Of the eight schools in Bahrein,
*->^1 j l,.Jl j^ull «l»*o wb.ij
two ore Oir.Is' schools end the rest
tu |>4** wA'Yl *<>•) • Ij.*ir j
boys'. Two of the boys schools ore
•0,^) J'-O
tf!* f' jb'l j*jUll .1* j* for the Shies end four for Sunnis. Jc. The total number of children who receive
^ j^.11 j
instruction in these schools are about
^ 4Jtl*lj ,y*^xU iiA*- Jl
753 of which 172 are girls. Two of
Jj 0*U J <c3>* jmUVwJO
J --d-O t>r the big boys schools, ono of which i3
fUVij JbtVl .3* in Muhnraq where the "AL-KHALIFAI!"
vjjl' )*: J1 J2 live, and the other in Manumah, the
Capital, are divided into three grades,
• l.jju uttflj fUM ii* telC* i.yij the Kindergarten, Elcmentury and the
C-JI JiUl» ,y\i ^ Secondary. The rest of the schools are
-N »" SJ. distributed over the above tv/o to whs
tU*;W Iplix Jij
and the towns of llidd and Itufaa.
lo-lv I Vi,\a^X G
1 have gathered from reliable sources
ci;’ 0^0 **•»» lS^
ti.ut the inhabitants oided by the Govt,
have founded a new school at llidd.
C.J4. qS cJl .3* ^ fr»'44 0‘
Shaikh Mohomed Ali Zuinul contributed
i.Jdl .» iji’J y j* cA’JJ
a sum of Its 1000/- and a like sum was
paid by lluji Abdul Aziz Gozaibi. The
inhabitants of llidd contributed in all
o sura of Ks 730/-. The Government paid
all other expenses for the completion of
the school. It was in accordance with
the wishes of trie inhabitants of Man amah
that the Government founded the Girls'
school in Monamoh. Formerly there was
only one for the Girls, in Mohoraq.