Page 334 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 334


             634                        Records of Bahrain


                                           my visit to the country, about the

                                           end of the month of Romodhaon, that
                                           is to say, twenty duys after-the clos­

                                           ing of the schools,   This is what I
                                           have actually seen and heard on the
                                           spot and there is a vast difference
                            jyiYi foUjuU
                     m'jaIZpU Jlj ,Uy      between what one hears from others and
                               (I; Uj      what he actually soes on the spot.
                 C>UYI Jl 5ojV                The Government of Hahrain is keeping
              f *f*j“ cJJ c Vj,j*
                                           pace with the time in organising the
              f'i; u ilii- ytyry oy-Y^uii Jli
                      C^V1 J< $CK> V:-r    various branches of its administra­
              > VVlff u*1 j>Uj             tion.   In doing so, they have tuken
              V. f V« i-Ll .^tuY o'j       into consideration the two irnnortant
              iiM Uju-j f U« .al U.»Y olj
                                           elements, e.g., the time und the Islamic
              J-6    jA.5u tlilj) , J ^ ^,c
                                           traditions,   The Government carries out
              •1*       ^        * iJjUb
             ; Oft'r— k W«^ J® Ij8a*' urjji v>-   such improvements with unrelenting
  I          I         ^iY»UIYl JUJYi &L :  energy with the final aim of bettering
             ■                             the system of administration in its
  I              *ilL* f£.   f U-l*. jT    various deportments.
              W:;»/ f J**> y v:. f*}XS •»- J*
                                      i       It is an admitted fact that the
                                           basis of advancement lies in Education.
                                           Education is imparted in the schools,
                                           which have therefore to be adequately

                                           supervised.  I am going to discuss
                                           this subject in order to assure such
                                           of your renters as may have sympathised

                                           with local schools on hearing of their
                                           closing, or abolishing, whichever way
                                           it may have been reported to be,
                                              The "Al-Khulifah" who are the Rulers
                                           of these islands since years are solely
                                           responsible for the civilisation of the
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