Page 323 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 323

The development of education, 1928-1930        625

                                         No. 1339/2E of 1348
                                         Office of the Adviser to
                                         the Government, Bahrain.
                                         Dated, 11th Ramadhan '48

                                                         ’•/nr o- V / .......;

                   H. B. M's Political Agent,

                   Recently various changes have been under
              consideration by the President of the Education

              committee, among other questions it was decided
              after the expiration of the staff's present
              agreements, to make a new scale of pay which
             would depend mainly on the educational certi­

              ficates held by the master. This fact toge­
              ther with the resentment felt by the Syrian Head­

             master of the Muharrak school at the appointment of
             an Inspector of Education, is the reason for the
             present trouble.
                   A week ago, with no warning, ^the  headmasters

             of the two Sunni schools in Manama and Muharrak
             suddenly dismissed the boys, after making very

             revolutionary and unsuitable speeches, and then
             closed the schools. On the following day the
             President of the Education Committee, Shaikh Abdulla
             bin Isa, summoned the two men; they would not appear
             but sent a letter stating their demands which inclu­
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