Page 319 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 319
The development of education, 1928-1930 621
Ilnder the new arrangement, the two
Shia Schools wil] come under the supervision
of the central deportment though there will
probably be two separate committees, one
Sunni end one Shie.
There ore now in Manama two Persian
Schools attended by a largo number of boys;
at least one of these schools is subsidized
by the Persian Government.
I think I am correct in assuming that
in most countries all sorts of Public Sohools
ore subject to the control of the local
Education authorities.
I suggest that when the new rejime
comes into force the Government Education
Department should have some control over the
Persian Schools os well os over the Khalifieh
ond Jaffarieh schools.
I may say that this suggestion has
already been made by Shaikh Abdulla bin Isa.
Before considering the matter any
further I should be glad to hear your views
on the subject and t” know whether you
approve, or not, of the su -gestion.
Adviser to
the Government, Bahrain.