Page 317 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 317
The development of education, 1928-1930 619
Ho /' of 1347
Offioc of Adviser to
Thb Govemncnt, Bahrain., 25th J/Th--ny, 1347
IJ. B. M's 1’olitioal Agont,
I have the honour to inform you that the
Bahrain Government requires the services of two
teachers for the now Shin School v/hioh is being
Built in Manama.
Could you kindly enquire from the Ira*j
Education Department whether they could recom
mend two candidates.
They should be Shins, They standard of
learning will be probably be low at first a., it
is a new institution.
The pay will not exceed Rs 200/- per month.
V*e* should like to get tv/o men at R$ 150/-, con
tract would be for one'year, on probation, and
if satisfactory for 4 years.
They would have tv/o months leave on pay,
every year, their passages from Baghdad v/ould be
paid on commencement and termination of contract.
If we oould ascertain whether likely can
didates will be forthcoming I will have a regular
contract drawn up v/ith the approval of the school
I have the honour to be,
Your Obedient Servant,
Adviser to
tho Government, Bahrain,