Page 315 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 315
The development of education, 1928-1930 617
The Agency
Persian Qulf,
20th June 19:28.
Bear Oir,
The Bahrein Government is very ansxious to
improve the standard of general education in thoir islands.
The inhabitants have hitherto boon somowhat baolcwurd,
but lately following on tho opening of new oohools and
the importation of Syrian schoolmasters thoro has been a
small advanoo in the publlo interest in eduuatlon.
The Ruler uva thinks the time is ripe i'or sonding
seleoted soholurs for further education in your Institu
tion and ho hopes, whon they have profit/ed sufficiently
from tho instruction imparted, to employ thorn in Bahrein
in instructing thoir follows.
llo has now seloctOu tho boys whoso namos are shown'
in tho accompanying list and would lJLkejthem to onter your
institution in Ootobor next if this can be arranged.
The State will pay all foes, which I understand will
amount to about Rs.lOOu/- annually inolusivo of travelling
botweon Bahroin and Boyrout and would bo glad to roaoive
periodical reports of progress.
The boys Khalifa bin Bhoikh Mohumed al Khalifa and
Hamad bin Sheikh Abdulla A1 Khalifa aro tho grandsons of
H.B. Shoikh Isa ill Khulifa tho titular rulor of Bahrein
and nephews of his Deputy. Thoir oousin Abdulla bin
Tho Registrar
Amerioan University of Bofrout
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