Page 310 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 310
612 Records of Bahrain
MO. b97-a of mo.
Mrltiah deaiaaacy a (ioimuatfl-aaiiaval*
Buahlre# tho 20th uotobtr 1930.
From The Hon'bio the Political Healdont
In the Porelan Ijfulf
Vo Vhe Porolgn tveoretary to the ucvefniaont
of India#
^Substitution of tsudaneue for Indian
Pollco In Mnhraln.
with reference to Xudlu offlug letter lie. P.
2900/30# dated the 22nd uay 1930 to your addreoc, 1 hare
the ixonour to Btato that, In view of the opinion oxpreeued
by the Governor uoneral of the fiudun to the effect that
! t.hcre la not tho oliflhtont uJianae that huduneee reoruita
ill be forthcoming, tho b/ihruin uovwrnrtent do not oonalder
: it worth Y/hllo pursuing the matter further.
2. 'ihe Political Atfont, iJuhraln however lnforma me
that tho .Teat* propose to reduce the number of Indians,
which now y tunas at nbout bb, to bO and to roplaoo them by
local won uo euitable recruit a beoojao available. Vhe
roduotion v/111 not take pluoe lumedlately« but, aa tho
Indians * contracts expire, only aelected wen will be kept