Page 309 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 309

Bahrain reforms, 1929                  611

                                                  r     :: 3.:
                            No. F.164-N/29.       I
                                                  I                  /1/V4
       From                                            19 3!
             Tho Foreign Secretary to the Government of India,
             Hia Majesty's Under Secretary of State for India,

                              Political Department, India Office,
                         Dated New Delhi, the //tf- December 1930.

                     Proposed substitution of Indian Police
                     at Bahrain by Sudanese.
                                   • • •                •
             With reference to your letter No. P.2908/30, dated the
       22nd May 1930, I am directed to refer to paragraph 1 of the

       letter from the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, No.
       597-S of 1930, dated the 25th October 1930, a copy of wh*ich
       has been sent to you direct, and to say that in the circumstances,
       the Government of India are of the opinion that the question

       of substituting Sudanese for Indian Police at Bahrain need
       not be pursued further.
                                                        •j tu te
            2. As regards the proposal of the Bahrain/referred to
       in paragraph 2 of the Political Resident*!’letter to reduce

       the number of -Indians in the police and to replace them by
       local men as suitable recruits become available, I am to say
       that the Government of India see no objection to this proposal
       provided that the efficiency of the service is not affected

       thereby, and they are informing the Political Resident
                                          I have the honour to be,
                                          Your most obedient servant,

                 for Foreign Secretary to the Government of India.
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