Page 306 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 306
608 Records of Bahrain
whether* they would soo jury objection to the rocruitinont
of Sudarroao, f»inco tho dato of bhio corroupoudonco,
the retention of Mr. do Grom or as Bi roc tor of Cuotoma
for a further period has been sanctioned.
Colonel Biscoo'o interesting doepatcii contains
hio porBontil impressions of the prooont position in Bahrein.
It supplements the viows oxproosou by Colonol Barrett, from
vhich tlie prooont Resident does: nob differ on any material
poinb. 'lire Rosidont definitely rocemmonds tuo roplucomant
of the Indian police by Sudanese m 1j31, and nao acucod
for sanction for tins from tno uovonr..ont of India.
'ilroy will no doubt hold tlieir ziandc until t»o result of
the tontativo onnuinos mad ; of ti.o Sudan Uovorn..:0;:t aro
It is difficult to dissent from uio conclusion in
paragraph 14 of Colonel Biscoo'a doepatcii as to the
probable cffoct on tno authority of tiio Choi.di of uio
location :iu Bahrein of w..o .»•».(.quarters of unc Political
Residen t.
(. i*uJ£~u<roJk 5
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