Page 307 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 307
Bahrain reforms, 1929 609
■;?. 0 6 5
.200. Sowtioii opixoa, ejrfi.
•# ■
313*0/70/**.) 26th Barth, 1*60.
Various questions connected with the adninlstratioa tf the
State of Bahrein with which His Majesty’s Government are In spools*,
treaty rolatione, hare recently been engaging the attention ef His
Majesty*s Government and a suggestion h»«s been put forward that the
British Indians, who at present font the armed polios foroe of the
State, should be replnoed by Sudanese.
2. ho deolsion has as yet been taken on this proposal, whloh
1 b at present of a purely tentative character. «nd the substitution
would not In oabo take effect until 1V31, wizen the oontract ef
the present Indian police expiree, Z shall be glad, however, to
learn whether the 8udan Oovemment would be prepared to agree to the
proposal and, if neoesuaxy, to faolliinte reorultment.
3. The present fowtf oonslats of about one hundred men and
approximately the same number of Sudanese would presumably be
required, were the suggested change effected, The Superintendent
of Polioe is at the present time an Englishman, The question
whether It Is desirable to retain a British offlolel In this poet is
at present under consideration, but no deolsion hne been taken on
the point.
I am, with great truth and regard.
Teur obedient Servant.
(For the Secretary of Otate)
v !/. \i« ‘ i ....L £ »
Hoars, J3eq.t O.M 0
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\ Cairo,