Page 311 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 311

Bahrain reforms, 1929                   613


          kept on until, the required figure is reached. Uaptmin
          ftrlor adde that while it is Tory difficult to enlist

          ouitablo non locally the libate authorities should bo able
          to obtain the mmbor they require.

          3.         X shall addxeou the uovomuont of India on the
          question or the retention or a British uffleer as
         Oowuundunt of the Corye after toy vieit to Bahrain next

          4.         X am sending a copy of thlu despatch to the
          India office.

                                        X hava t.ha honour i o be,

                                       lour moot obudlunt uorvaiit.

                                        8d/ Ji. V. Biecoe

                             Polltlool hooldont. in tho Persian uulf.
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