Page 308 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 308
610 Records of Bahrain
jlinute Paper. POLITICAL Department.
It will bo remembered that Colonel Barrett,
when acting as Political iteoident, euggootod tho
possibility of tho substitution of Sudanese for Indian
police at Bahroin, with a viow partly to reducing tho
Indian element in the administration. The Secretary of
State, when communicating orders on the general question
of 3ritish intervention in the internal administration
j of Bahrein, informed tho Government of India that ho
thought tho possibility of substituting Sudanese for
Indians on the expiry, in 1931, of the torm of
engagement of tho latter, rnigjit woll be con side rod
independently of any development of tne activities in
Bahrein of the Gulf Oil Company, and expressed a do si re
: that it should be further examined by the Government of
India, 'oanwhile, advantage was taken of an offer by
tho Foreign Office to make certain enquiries as to tho
probable attitude of tho Sudan Government in tho event of
J a decision favourable to the recruitment of Sudanoso.
j From the Governor-General’s despatch of the
j 15th April now communicated ay tho Foreign Office, it
! will be soon that the prospects of recruiting a Sudanese
j police force for Bahrein are apparently very poor indeed,
and it ...ay woll bo that, in the ligjit of Sir John
! Vaffcy's report, the Government of India will not desire
; to purouo tne matter further. If they do, further
i • information will bo necessary. 1 suggest that y;o should
forward tho correspondence to thorn, and ask tnoin for an
expression of their views. A draft w submitted for
; consideration.
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