Page 303 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 303

Bahrain reforms, 1929                  605
         inute Paper.                           POLITICAL     Department.

                                      i/ir. do Grenier was appointed Director of
                            Customs in Bahrein in 1924, with the approval of the
                            Government of India and without reference to the
                            Secretary of State,
            >3(^1 *             agreement^ id not provide for the determination
                       I    of his services save aftor three months' notice in
                       '                                 or
                       I    writing given by either party upon the Director
                       !    reaching 55 years, or on the Director absenting

                            himself from duty - save for reasons beyond his
                            control - without the sanction of the Government of
                       !              It will bo remembered that the question of
                       i    tho degree of ICuropoon representation in the internal
                       !    ••id mini strati on of Bahrein has recently been under
                            consideration. In 1928 the Sheikh was advised by
                            tho Government of India to dispense with Mr. de
                           Grenier's services a3 tho first step in tiie reduction
                           of tho numbor of iCuropoan officers concerned. Sir
                           Frederick Johnston (despatch of the 19th January,
                           1929: P. 1243/29) strongly deprecated dispensing
                           with his services, and it was decided that no

                           decision should bo taken until the position was
                           clearer as regards the general question (Government of
                           India letter of 18th Juno, 1929, to Political Resident
                           on P. 4702/29). It is quite clear from tho papers on
                           P. 4702 that the Sheikh of Bahrein is anxious to
                           retain Mr. de Grenier, and that his *>rk (as to the
                       !   quality of which there was at one period some doubt)
                           is now satisfactory.

                                     'Ihe general question of British interference
                           in the administration of Bahrein has been under
               2000 •.mih
                           consideration separately in tho li^t of
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