Page 300 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 300

602                       Records of Bahrain

                      increasing number of them nowadays employ Europeans in

                      different capacitiea: Bahrain can^not obtain Bahrainis
                      or Arabs qualified to hold the highor posts. Syriano and
                      Egyptians are Just as mucin foreigners as an Englishman
                       10.     i therefore oee no likelihood of the State being
                       able to dispense v/ith hr.Belgrave' s services within any
                       period that need at present be t:\icon into account .Again»

                       as pointed out by the Government of India, tne necessity
                       for a European Superintendent of Police largely depends
                       on whether the threa tenedjinf lux of European oil-borers
                       materialises or not. if it does rche then the presence of
                       a European to deal v/ita the hetrogeneoua elements that
                       will flock to the oil fields will certainly ce necessary,

                       it i3 not poosible to come to a decision at present.
                       Ur.Barke is at present on leave and 1 understand will
                       return for a year or two, cut it is improbable that he. will
                       be v/illing to stay on after tnis. Tne question wnether J£nc
                       he should be replaced cy another European or not will be
                       considered tnen.
                    ^ 11.      Mr.Belgrjve spoke to me about the replacement of
                       the Indian police by Soudanese, and i think it woulu be
                       a good tning. There is a large negro element in Bahrain,
                       and they would merge in the population more than Inuiand
                       do. .v.r.Belgruve has had previous experience of them m
                       Egypt and says that they wa.:e efficient police, ne suggest­
                       ed to me that .men he proceeded on leave in 1931 he should
                       recruit them on hi3 way out and bring them back with him.
                       i thin!: this arrangement would be satisfactory,and might
                       be given effect to irrespective of the arrival or non­
                       arrival of the oil company, and 1 trust tne Government
                       of India will be pleased to approve of it.
                       x2.      finally, as pointed out by Colonel Barrett,
                       hr. de Grenier'8 functions are purely administrative,

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