Page 298 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 298

600                      Records of Bahrain

                       bo run as, for instance Kuwait is, as an Arab city on
                       Arab lines. The anowcr is tnat the population of the tY/o
                       cities is wholly dissimilar. The population of Kuwait io

                       largely Bcdouini thoir outlook is towards and of the deoert.
                       The people who come and shop there are the desert Arabo of
                       the interior. Kuy/ait commanded till recently the pick of
                       the Bedouin tribes, the Ajman and Mutair, and all their
                       wealth and trade came from traffic witn the interior and

                       from their flocks and herds. Finally Kuwait has a homo­
                       geneous population.
                       6.      The population of Bahrain is hetrogeneous and
                       divided by racial and religious differences - Bejdis,
                       Wahabis, Persians, Sunnis, Shiahs and large colonies of
                      j Mohammedan and Hindu Indians.  Bahrain is a purely

                      \ commercial centre  its outlook is towards Bombay and the
                      1 •
                       \ stock markets of the world on v/rilch if depends to sell it3
                        pearls. The people who come and shop there are largely the
                       wealthy pearl merchants of Paris and Bombay, it has no
                        tribes worth mentioning, and an enervating and relaxing

                        climate which shows itself in the Arabs vmo have settled
                        there. it3 wealth  comes fror.i its pearls almost entirely:
                        it may perhaps be increased shortly by the discovery of oil.
                              flow with a population such as this, many of whose
                                are extiemely wealthy, and which is brought in
 I                             contact y.ith the outside world than tne population

 I                      of any other place in tne Bull*, it is not unnatural to find
                               e desiie lor decent administration arid for the
                        amenities which they obtain elsewhere. As was stated in
                        your telegram referred to above, Y/nat we have done is t
                        in itself. 7/e have  not foisted upon an unv/illing people
                        measures whici. they did not want or a home oi low paid
                        officials neither have  we introduced vexatious rules or
    i                    egalationo. ,lc have improved the lot of the uiver and large -
                        ly rescued him from virtual slavery: v/c have established
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