Page 295 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 295
Bahrain reforms, 1929 597
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|l it rcque>ted that (n tiny fmther conimuni-
yin oii f/n'i luljeel the uiiJcr.meiiffoncd lollcr
,il nmnbor may Iit quoted, anil (he reply INblA office,
dinned lo-
The Under Secretary nj Slate for Imlia, WHITEHALL,
1’clHical Department,
India OjJicc,
707(5/29. London, 3.1V. I. LONDON, S.W. 1.
3rd January, 1930,
8ir, i a
I am dlrooted by the Secretary of 8tato for India to
forward, for the information of the'Secretary of Stato for
Foreign Affaire, oopy of the oorreepondenoo noted in the margin
epatoh No. 385-3, dated 28th August, ■ with the Politioal Resident in
from Aoting Politioal Re aidant to
Gorornment of India, | the Persian Gulf and the
logram from Oe or at ary of State for
India to Viceroy, No. 3651, dated I Goremmont of India, on the
33rd Noromber.
legrem from Vioeroy to Secretary of ^question of the strength of
State for India, Ho. 3408-3, dated
20th Noromber. the British element and1 the
degree of British Interference in the intornal administration
of Bahroin.
2. Ur. Bean is of opinion that the poeelbillty of
substituting Sudanese for Indian pollao on the expiry la 1931 of
the term of engagement of the latter might well be considered
independently of the development of the activities in Bahrein
of the Gulf Oil Company, and the Ooverrooont of India will be
invited to examine this furthor. On all other points ha is. in
• • ' i •••• ••••*. •
general agreement with the views expressed by Colonel Barrett
and the Oovemment of India, and, any observations
which Mr. Uendorson and Lord Pasofield may wish t.o offer, he
proposes to approve the line of aotlon suggested by the Viceroy*
3. A similar lsttor ie being addressed to the Colonialv.;
■ ' •• ••»... ..
Offioe and a oopy of thio letter is being eent to the Air
X am, Olr,
Your obedient Servant,
(fld*) P.JtPAXRIOlC*
h Under Secretary of Slate,