Page 291 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 291


                                    Bahrain reforms, 1929                  593

                  YN/DWT.              (135 group*)            6060.

                         COPY 0 F TELEGRAM

                 Prom      Viceroy, Foreign & Political .Dept
                           to Secretary of State for India0   • 3
     CIRCULATED) Dated     New Delhi, 26th November, 19290

                 Reoeived 10.20 a.m.,, 26th November, 1929.
                                                             X                               i
                 3458-S. THIRD OF FOUK PARTS.
                           There cun of course be no question of rapidly
                 reversing all that has been done in the past six years.

                 It has, indeed, been good in itself,    Still less oan there
                be any question of our relaxing our essential hold on
                Bahrein.    Only question is whether time has now come to

                check the momentum towards complete westernisation, and to
                lay down general lines of policy which, while making for
               continuance of decent government and sober progress, will
               save us from odium and at the same time from the dangers,
               inside and outside Bahrein, which seem likely to flow from

               too obvious westernisation and absorption of these tiny
               islands.   After all, it is not only vis-a-vis the Arabs

              that it is politic for us   to work through a genuinely Arab
              adm i n .1 s t rut i o n.  It actually increases our power vis-a-vis
              foreign intruders:   thus, an  obviously autonomous Arab
                                                   in whioh an obviously
               State can close its doors in a way
              British-run State cannot.
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