Page 292 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 292
594 Records of Bahrain
KT l’/D.Y, (116 groups) 6061.
JLitJiX u h' T 13 L 15 OKiiM
Jj’ro/n Viceroy, .Voroign & Political Bopt.,
to Oocrctary of .it.'.to for India.
Dated Mow Delhi, 26th November, 1929.
Deceived 10.30 a. , 26th November, 1929.
Like Barrett, v/e feel, that nothing oan be
effected immediately, even as rogurds police, until it ia
known whether tho threatened invasion of Americana • ia
going to materialised If it do os not materialise, we
feel that the Reoidont should be asked to work out
definite scheme for bis proposed substitution of (?Sudanese)
for Indian police, and ,o tackle the problem of who is to
replace British Commandant. Meanwhile, he and the
Political Agent should prooeed steadily to advise Sheikh
to persist in training young Bahreinis with a view to
their gradually filling various posts in the
admini strati on* That thero ia no early prospect of
cither present AdYiser or Director of Customs being
dispensable in the near future vie agreo, but think that'
it would be unwise and also unfair to the officers
concerned to encourage them in an expectation of
indefinitely prolonged Barrica.