Page 289 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 289
Bahrain reforms, 1929
etp/aw. (1311 groups) 6062,
L _i£2.9LJ
From Viceroy* Foreign & Political
Department, to Secretary of
(COPIES 3tato for India,
Dated .Mew Delhi, 26th November, 1929, :
Received 26th November, 1929, 5 a.m.
3468-'5. Fir ft of four parto.
Your telegram 3601, In Bahrein there are at present
a British Political Agent, British Adviser who inter alia site
in court of trial of Bahrain subjects, British Director of
Customs, British Commandant of polioo, with highly trained
Indian police force under him, Thus, though total population
is certainly not more than 160,000 and may be considerably less,
British element is stronger than in an ordinary Indian District,
let alone ari Indian State,1 Ad a result, deoent Government has
boen established, finances have been put on sound footing, and
there has been much progress generally since 1923 when miDrule
forood ua to induce Sheikh lua to retire, population is
composed of go many heterogeneous elements that unanimity ol
opinion regarding these developments is hardly to be expected.,
But Resident is no doubt r.’.ght in feeling that deoent Government,
end especially the increased prosperity, are appreciated by moot,
and that we are ourselves gaining fair chare of credit for it.
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