Page 284 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 284

586                        Records of Bahrain
                                       - 81-

                             The attitude of the Shaikhs of tho Const Mill he
                   guided by eolf-lntcreet no It huo evor boon,   It no have
                    conuiutontly ana-with nuooeee eopouued their cauoo againut
                   Persia und llujd they will look to us lor support. If no
                   liave shown no grout energy in supporting thoir oape against
                    third partioo, they will bo dlocourogod and raoro cueliy suc­
                    cumb to Najd intrigue. If Din Ouud omorgds victorious
                    from hi a pr count trouble of It in puoiiiblo thut ho will oock

                    to extend hie influence on tho Coast and cuuoo us trouble
                    ao Roza IDuih has in J.’oroiu; but 1 do not aeo how tho ultua-
                    tion in Bahrain will offoot tho luuuo.  All Arabs orl^loloed
                    our uction in Baliruin when Uio oupportoro of the old regime \
                    woro crying out under olios tlsoroont.  Tho chastisement was
                    salutary und Shaikh loa’o oupportoro have noooptod the pre-
                    nont regime, which la not undbl$ westernised.
                                                                        x *
                              X hnvo shown uozao ways in which tho outward 'form
                    may bo modified vdiilo rotuining the spirit, but 1 do not
                    advise tho jettisoning of useful lvuropeun offloiala nor the
                    taking of any steps other than thooo X lmvo indicated.
                    19.       X tun much indebted to Captain Prior, non Political
                    Agent ut Ihdiruin, for a long report, on which und my own
 I                  experience of tho islands during periods extending over
 -                  two und a half ycuru l have based these observations.
 3                                          I lmve tho honour tobe,
                                           Your moot obediont uorvunt.
                                    SD/ C.C.J. .Barrett,      Lt;-coionei.

   \                        Political Resident in tho Persian Gulf.
                         Pot r. Copy to tho. Political Agent at Bahrain, for
                     information refcronce his letter Ho; 102/C. of the 17th •
                     August 1929.
                           Attcated:                                         •V-

                 for Soore            Political lleoidont,
                        Persian Gulf.
                            Bushiro, 2Gtb August 1929.
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