Page 283 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 283
Bahrain reforms, 1929 585
20 -
thotr independence, Juat no Shaikh loo wan before hie
foraed relinyulohmont of power, They oppooe any con**
oono ion to the Kuropoun, 1 do not, however, ascribe this*
attitude wholly to tho even to in Jiuhruin. it le due f*r
wore to tho natural cxoluulvenooD of the Arab. ..A certain
section of Arab thought would oxcludo the foot of tho
infidel throughout the holy land of. Arubla, Area,Aden as
well an from Heoou.
No attempt had been imdo to vieotornloe Dahruin *
when tho "Hyacinth" opioode of 1911 ooourrod. • • It ,ia: frpmVj
tjiio incident urid,. the comparative immunity from.ovii con- ;%'!
eequonoco onjoyod by the pooplo Of Dubai that I date.-the
increasingly independent attitude of the. Truoial Ohnikhs.
BirPoroy Cox'stated at the time that the incident furniohp.d
a convenient pog on which the (Shaikh of Dubai could Jinny hie
* V* <:'v
objections to the admianion of Europeuno to the coast. . -
Hio otatei.nont wuo true in 1911 and iu true to this ,dayj but,-
the Britiuh policy, in Bahrain obviouuly oon^not be blamed.’
for this.
If we lntcffore in Bahrain to put down misrule,
depooe itu Shaikh, introduce reforma and then permit the
country to sink back Into'the. slough from which we”ha**,
roscuid it, then indoed will we have forfeited Ara> respect:
and cleared the way for Din Gaud, in 1920 Major Plckoon
•' Jl*
reported "our pouition in tho inland la founded on fear ands
not reBpeot". Now it in founded on rcupoot. The TruoioJ,-'.
Ohio fa now oeo thut our intervention hue benefited Bahrain.
• , '• *\ ' ■
and oven its. Chiefo. We oannot expoot them lamedlately;to-*
• ' . *;•: ;V: ' ■»
call in 'British advisers on their, own account* but; in iii*
time their avoruion from contact with tho European wsy- bt .
overoome through tho influence of a olvllioed Bahrain*'. ‘ Xt';*
will not be over corns through n reversion of Bahrain. to' the
conditions of 1920. •V
if it ouito Bin fluud ho will intrigue in^maai W VvV
hi* fathers did before him. . ■•••».