Page 281 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 281
Bahrain reforms, 1929 583
- 1U -
Government interfered with the free wording of
the Arab oyutom firot vihon they placed Shaikh Isa In hie
father* u room In 10C9 and2whcn they roplacod him by Ohaikh
Haiaad In 1023,
Under tiie Arab syotem Abdulla might have removed
Glmikh Ioa — ho would cartuinly have removed Glrnikh litmad.
Oovornraent io dioturbod by the blood-stained '
record of Oman: they could not now permit similar qoour-
ronoou In Hahruin.
14 •• We have to mulce the boot of Ghalkh Jlamud und ho.
niuot have an advloor — either European or Arab — or In tb
alternative take upon himself the role of a conotitutlonal
icing, confine hlo aotlvitieu mainly to uoolul affairs and
leave business In tlui hands of a Council*
This Council oyutom might noil be tried, but only
after tho death of Shaikh Isa.
The old flhuikh liao retired from aotive Interest
in affairs, but he still counts for something, and his
naturally conservative tondoncy renders him opposed to ull
change . In addition, on the ocora of expense to tho Gtate
it is not desirable that IJuhrain, which 1s alreudy paying
a pension of ho. 5,000 yoarly to Ghui'kh Isa, should be
saddled with an Idle Hamad*.
I anticipate no serious opposition from fthulkh
Hamad himself to the idon of u Council provided ho is still
titular and social head. It will give him a chance of that
-Qtlufl cum dlgnltate for which he craves.
The members of the aounoll might in the first
Place be flhaikho Abdulla bln Isa und Oulaiman bln Hamad
*ith the Adviser au third member undor t)ie presidency of
Hhalkh Abdulla, with Ohuikh Mubarak markod to suooetd
f •
eventually to the Adviser's plaoe*
10. X wioh to emphasise that even at preoont the*#-la
considerably more Arab control of the Jttihruiu administration