Page 276 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 276
578 Records of Bahrain
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people oould not undorotund the rouuon for it, but now thoy
have como to realise lto benefits. Those villngou which
havo not hlthatto boon surveyed, owing to paucity of stuffy
have bogun to doiaund that a uurvoy ahould bo oarriod out
lh) Public *vorkii havo not boon numorouo und there, le
no ro(julnr Public Works Department; but public utility work!
such no the ueu wall und tlie ooad alongside it nro much
appreciated, Ono of the rooulto of these works is that ?th<
lnhubltantu of Kuwait mid othur porta uru apt to point to *
tho doficicncleo of their homo towns and get into trouble
with their Shaikhs, but tho lesion works. If Uahrain. aon-
tlnuoo on lto own initiative to oupply publio gardens and ;
walks, start oloctrlo Bcheiaou and carry out worko for Die
public benefit, uucli us the proposed causeway from Jiauuma
to Uuharraq, it iu uurc, by itu example, to ameliorate the
oonditione in itu lauuer advunaed oiotoro on the Arab
ooaot, and wean them from that uurly iuolotion in which
most. of.them live. . .
I mention "on its own lnltliitlveH because all
public utility oahemeo — oxcopt the liuruuna »ea wull and
road, which are the work of Mujor Daly, — wero conooived
by Bahrain subjects thomselvoo, though thoy huvo looked to
their Kuropeun udviueru for guidance, The JJrltlsh name. !■
s ^
benefited by Ihlu progruns.
(ij Education iu utill buokward, but thanks to the
pueh of nhulkh Abdulla, tlio Hulor'o brother, it lias made
immense strides during tho past two years, Tho drive isi
this ouuo hue come wholly from Buhraln nubjoots thcmoolvoo.
Except in tho matter of uaklnB hitherto fruitions efforte
to persuade Shaikh Hamad to educate hin own eons, neither
unduly ..
tho Political Agent nor tho Advisor has taken any utepe^t©
push education, although thoir oorvlooo in obtaining maator*
from Iraq have been put at tho norvloo of the State, .when
asked• Syrian and Iraqi mas tors havo boon Imported in moot.