Page 279 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 279
Bahrain reforms, 1929 581
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"tiio haremi (jot (shooting and hawking and enough money to
"uupport him with u little pomp ond pride of place, he does
Mnot mind what happens to Uuliraln".
Uuoh a man muut Imvo an advloor or^ihom he can
lean. Hiu natural advloor 1b hln eldest oon, Uulalman,
°£° ubout 30, who will probably ouucood him. flulaiaan la
not without promise; he lu intelligent and lu gaining -yirfw? -
aahia valuable cxporiunce on thu j/ugiuterlal Bench, but he r
ie unoducutad and in ooiao wayo little removed from a liodu*. t
The only roully capable member of tho A1 Khulifa'
family io nhalkh Humud'u brotiwr, Abdulla, who lo oelf-
cducutod, but la unfortynatoly die trusted by tho people
owing to hits proviouo evil record.
Of bhuikh Jluraud’a uono the one who uhoiva moot
proulae 1b Shaikh Huburuk, the fourth non. In toy letter
Ho. 306-8. of 2iat Auguot 1029 1 have already recommended
that a good tutor ohould bo obtulnod for him. It io hoped
that In duo couroo ho may bo given a chonco to aoqulro
admlnletratlvo experience iso au to bo u help first to hlo
father and then to hln brother, Bulalman, wlio huo no aon/
to follow aftor him, and that ho Busy in duo coureo bo ablo
to perform tho functidno now fulling to tho Kuropean Advieer.
11. Mth the opreud of education it ehould bo poaolblo
to conduat tho adralnlotrutlon of Bahruin without any British
interference In internal affaire in a wannor which will not
ahamo uo. At prooont, owing to tho wouknauu of the Deputy
Buier and tho lack of men of nultublo character, thlo la
1 have laid particular utroon on eduoutlon In the
rulers becauno tho aorohiuit olueooo in Uuhruin, both for-
®ign and native, aro advancing rapidly in thie roupect; and
the publla are desponding more oohoolo, technical education,
increased medical help und trained mldwlvao, und larger
public worku.
. • . 4'
A 80-uheaU population oannot paramnontly b., IIM :
' -V': * '