Page 280 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 280

582                       Records of Bahrain

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                     by unoducatod tribooraon any more than Uorocaun troop©
                     could permanently hold down tho Rhino provinooo*  Bahrain •
                     ie q largo trading centre with a lurge foreign population.
                     It in not part of Nujd and would novor be happy under
                     Wahabi rulo‘.  The real Bahraini', though an Arab, lo a Shiah
                     not n Uunni; and tliQsi hiotory of the lolundo shown thut for
                      long periodo it vma oubjoot to Persia'*  Thio, although not •, •
                      loading to any Uooira for Peruiun rule, aunt modify .the
                      tribal outlook'.                                          I *
                      IS.       I ura in favour of an indigenous Arab govomwont. /;
                      ntundlng on ito own feet; but you cannot   without grave
                      risk of bloodshod — rapidly reveroo all tliut hao been done
                      in the paot six years.
                                The Dal^tanah, for tho firot time olnco the Khalifa

                      ouutcd tho Persians, huve liud Boourity and juotloe and have
                      corao to think of their righto;   Aftor taeting those 'oweete
                      thoy will not lightly forego thorn;
                      13.       Tho evilo of unadulterated Arab rule and the trib­
                      al oyotem are exemplified by tho rooont bloodstained rocord
                      of Umm al Qjiwaira and Abu Dhabi or, to take bigger poo pie
                      from hiotoryi the Bani Rashid Bulero of Hail or tho Salyide
                      of Oman;   To* quote from on intereotlng Ur h; IK
                      Thomao appearing in the HKAB FAST and INDIA of July 10i S*Bf.
                      70 j

                                     "The firot aot of young Bald bin Sultan wae to
                                decoy hlo regent undo and to assassinate him;
                                Thlo ’will to powor» was applauded by tho country#
  •i                            It was no utrango /nouns to omploy;.  Incidental ly.
                                Quid's BuocoDoor; Thuwuini, wuu dontined to bo
                                murdurod by hiu own uon, Sulim, who thereupon •*• •'.
                                ouoooeded. to the Hultanuto; • During the pa^V.flT®
                                years frutrioido,   a timo-honourod institution; *or-
                                                                           (   •   .M'
                                 the purpose, hao on   three' eovoral occaeione boon
                                 rooponuible x’or a change of Rhuikhehip in the *:
                                powerful Omuni tribes of Buni All und Bun 1XMt"• '.v.;

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