Page 282 - Records of Bahrain (4) (ii)_Neat
P. 282
584 Records of Bahrain
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than would appear ut first night. In consequence, the
present administration jLo popular In the inland!)• X ugree
however that tlic British aro too much In the high-lightn,
and that the oigno of British influence appear too olearly
in the Indian police force trained like an Indian infantry
regiment though their uniform hue been roodified. X re
commend that thio high-light bo modified by substituting
Sudanoou, an Arub speaking force, which blonds bettor with
the population. 1 rooomraend further that, unless a
Europeun is required to deal with an Influx of Europouns
and Americans attracted by the Gulf Oil Company, the service
of the European Coraraundant of Police bo diuponoed with at
the termination of hie preuont contract, but that the oor-
vices ol' tho Adviser and tlia Diruotor of Customs be retained
until suitable Arab substitutes Imvo boon trained to take
their pluop.
10.. Bhulkh Huiaad )mu already extended tho torn of the
Adviser*u contract till March 1954. It will probably be •*.
necessary to grant him at least two further quaternary
It iu difficult to »uy whan a substitute will be
ready to replace Ur de Grenier; but tho period required for
truining cannot bo less than ooven yuaro from now.
17. As the coming of an oil company is still proto*
leaatlcal, I have not dioouused thin matter at length.
If the company should materialise it will of itoelf weatem-
ise tho islands in possibly an unfortunute way, and X pre-
oume tliuro/fikSi) huvo to be a British element in the admin
istration to oountcruct its effects.
18. It appearn from paragraph 2 of your le.ttor under
reply that Government is perturbed at the danger that^the .
examplo of Buhruin before tlieir eyos/tltc mindo of ill* amallel
Arab rulers may be turned lnureuslngly in the dirootlon of • .
Bin flaud. It id true that tho Uhaikho of the rruolajl
Co net are extremely Jealous of any British onoroaohmsnt- oil: